Category: Caucasian Chronicles

  • A Photographic Guide to Hiking in Azerbaijan

    A Photographic Guide to Hiking in Azerbaijan

    There are many cool things to do in Azerbaijan for those adventurous enough to explore this still quite off-the-radar country. There’s Baku’s wonderful Old City, the underrated cuisine which is a mishmash of regional influences, and the charming city of Sheki, dotted with mosques, hammams, caravanserais and cobbled streets all redolent of the Silk Road.…

  • 22 Unique Things to Do in Azerbaijan, the Land of Fire

    22 Unique Things to Do in Azerbaijan, the Land of Fire

    Azerbaijan is located in the fascinating Caucasus region, a historical and geographical crossing point boasting an impressive array of landscapes and cultures for a relatively small area. Whether you’re planning a visit or simply keen to know more about it, this list of 22 unique things to do in Azerbaijan should have you covered.  The…

  • A Street Photography Guide to Baku, Azerbaijan

    A Street Photography Guide to Baku, Azerbaijan

    This short guide to doing street photography in Baku is based on my experiences living there for 8 years. It was during that time that I really began to hone my street photography eye by intimately exploring the city and its suburbs. Intro Baku is the capital city of Azerbaijan, boasting a population of at…